Powershell is an object-oriented programming language and interactive command line shell for Microsoft Windows Platforms.
We have an environment(Windows PowerShell ISE editor) as below to write code in PowerShell .
write-host "Hello"
Note: It is not mandatory to define the type of variable, declare a variable before use and it is also case insensitive as we have in VBScript. Dont compare PowerShell with VBscript as we can execute a .vbs file with just double clicking it.PowerShell script can be either run from PowerShell command prompt or using a batch file.
Variable Declaration: Variable in PowerShell script begin with a $ sign.
Ex: $Testval = 10;
write-host ("Value assigned is: " + $Testval );
Array Declaration:
Ex: $Testval = 1,2,3,7,8;
foreach($val in $Testval )
write-host (" Value assigned is: "+ $val );
for($val =0; $val - lt $Testval.Length;$val++ )
#Write the output values to command window.
write-host $Testval[$val]
Associative Array: This is similar to hash table data type where the data is maintained in key value pairs.
Syntax: $<array name> = @{<keyname = value>;.......}
Ex:$Testval = @{'0'= 'Sunday' ; '1' = 'Monday'; '2' = 'Tuesday'; '3' = 'Wednesday' }
$Testval //to print all key value pairs at one go.
$Testval ['0'] //prints Sunday
Add a new record : $Testval ['4'] = 'Thursday'
Delete a record from collection : $Testval.Remove('1')
To remove all records : $Testval.Clear()
While Statement :
while ($val -ne 3)
If Statement :
if($val -eq 3)
write-host "Value is 3"
elseif($val -eq 4)
write-host "Value is 4"
write-host "value is neither 3 nor 4"
Logical Operators :
Comparision Operators :
Some important functions or commands:
get-date # returns the current date and time
(get-date).day #returns day of the day, similary we can display month year etc.
$StringVal -replace("a","b") #replace the charected "a" with "b" in the string $StringVal
We have an environment(Windows PowerShell ISE editor) as below to write code in PowerShell .
of the greatest feature is its integration with Microsoft.Net
environment and it can also integrate with other applications .
- Cmdlets are very small .NET classes that appear as system commands.
- Scripts are combinations of cmdlets and associated logic.
write-host "Hello"
Note: It is not mandatory to define the type of variable, declare a variable before use and it is also case insensitive as we have in VBScript. Dont compare PowerShell with VBscript as we can execute a .vbs file with just double clicking it.PowerShell script can be either run from PowerShell command prompt or using a batch file.
Variable Declaration: Variable in PowerShell script begin with a $ sign.
Ex: $Testval = 10;
write-host ("Value assigned is: " + $Testval );
Array Declaration:
Ex: $Testval = 1,2,3,7,8;
foreach($val in $Testval )
write-host (" Value assigned is: "+ $val );
for($val =0; $val - lt $Testval.Length;$val++ )
#Write the output values to command window.
write-host $Testval[$val]
Associative Array: This is similar to hash table data type where the data is maintained in key value pairs.
Syntax: $<array name> = @{<keyname = value>;.......}
Ex:$Testval = @{'0'= 'Sunday' ; '1' = 'Monday'; '2' = 'Tuesday'; '3' = 'Wednesday' }
$Testval //to print all key value pairs at one go.
$Testval ['0'] //prints Sunday
Add a new record : $Testval ['4'] = 'Thursday'
Delete a record from collection : $Testval.Remove('1')
To remove all records : $Testval.Clear()
While Statement :
while ($val -ne 3)
If Statement :
if($val -eq 3)
write-host "Value is 3"
elseif($val -eq 4)
write-host "Value is 4"
write-host "value is neither 3 nor 4"
Logical Operators :
logical and
(A -eq A) -and (A -eq B)
logical or
(A -eq B) -or (A -eq A)
logical not
(1 -eq 1) -and -not (2 -gt 2)
logical not
(1 -eq 1) -and !(2 -gt 2)
Comparision Operators :
Equal (case insensitive)
Not equal (case insensitive)
Greater than or equal (case insensitive)
Greater than (case insensitive)
Less than (case insensitive)
Less than or equal (case insensitive)
Wildcard comparison (case insensitive)
Wildcard comparison (case insensitive)
Regular expression comparison (case insensitive)
Regular expression comparison (case insensitive)
Replace operator (case insensitive)
Containment operator (case insensitive)
Containment operator (case insensitive)
Case insensitive equal
Case insensitive not equal
Case insensitive greater than or equal
Case insensitive greater than
Case insensitive less than or equal
Case insensitive less than
Case insensitive equal
Case insensitive equal
Case insensitive regular expression comparison
Case insensitive regular expression comparison
Case insensitive replace operator
Case insensitive containment operator
Case insensitive containment operator
Equal (case sensitive)
Not equal (case sensitive)
Greater than or equal (case sensitive)
Greater than (case sensitive)
Less than (case sensitive)
Less than or equal (case sensitive)
Wildcard comparison (case sensitive)
Wildcard comparison (case sensitive)
Regular expression comparison (case sensitive)
Regular expression comparison (case sensitive)
Replace operator (case sensitive)
Containment operator (case sensitive)
Containment operator (case sensitive)
Is of a type
Is not of a type
Is a type, no error if conversion fails
Some important functions or commands:
get-date # returns the current date and time
(get-date).day #returns day of the day, similary we can display month year etc.
$StringVal -replace("a","b") #replace the charected "a" with "b" in the string $StringVal
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